February 2, 2025

I AM The Good Shepherd

Preacher: Pablo Cachon Series: I Am Sayings of Jesus Scripture: John 10:11, John 10:14

February 2, 2025

I AM The Good Shepherd – John 10:11, 14

Ice Breaker

  1. What qualities do best friends possess?
  2. Read John 10:1-21 again as a group. Take time to pray.

Loving God Unreservedly

  1. Who did Jesus claim to be? (Jn 10:11)
  2. Explore how God is Israel’s shepherd. (Ps. 80:1; cf. Ps. 23:1; Isa. 40:10–11)

Loving People Sacrificially

  1. What kind of relationship do sheep have with their shepherd? (Jn 10:2–4)
  2. What type of relationship did Jesus say He had with His sheep? (Jn 10:14)
  3. What did Jesus say He did for His sheep? (Jn 10:15)
  4. How has Jesus been a gate in your life?
  5. How can you be more attentive to the voice of Jesus?

Making Disciples Purposefully

  1. How do people respond today to Jesus’ gracious offer to be their shepherd?
  2. Who is God asking you to share the gospel this week?

Dig Deeper (optional/personal study)

  1. Research: This scene has a great deal of Old Testament background behind it.

God is often depicted as Israel’s shepherd (Gn. 48:15; Ps. 28:9, 80:1; Is. 40:11; Mic. 5:4), who leads his people to safety and protects them. (Ps. 23; Ezek. 34:11–16) In contrast, the leaders are false shepherds who take the milk and wool for themselves and butcher the sheep for themselves. (Ezek. 34:3; cf. Is. 56:11; Jer. 23:1–4) As a result, the flock has been “scattered without a shepherd.” (Ezek. 34:5; cf. Matt. 9:36; Mk. 6:34)

other sermons in this series