January 26, 2025

I Am The Door

Preacher: Pablo Cachon Series: I Am Sayings of Jesus Scripture: John 10:7, John 10:9

January 26, 2025

I AM The Door – John 10:7, 9

Ice Breaker

  1. Context: The temple in Jerusalem after the celebration of the Festival of Tabernacles and the healing of the blind beggar. (Jn. 9) The third “I am” statement: “I am the door.” Some translations use the word gate instead of door, but the words serve the same purpose; Jesus was referring to what allowed entrance into a sheep pen (courtyard/sheepfold/corral).
  2. Read John 10:1-21 as a group.

Loving God Unreservedly

  1. What did Jesus say He was? (10:7)
  2. Explore how God is Israel’s shepherd. (Ps. 80:1; cf. Ps. 23:1; Isa. 40:10–11)

Loving People Sacrificially

  1. What are the two ways into the sheep pen, and who utilizes each way?
  2. There are two separate scenes in this passage. The first is found in verses 1–5; the second is found in verses 7–10. Briefly summarize each scene (good time to separate/mix up your group and return to compare responses together).
  3. How do Jesus’ listeners respond to his words? (vv. 6, 19–21) Why do you think his words create such a difference of opinion?
  4. What two things happened to those who entered through the door? (v. 9) Compare this with what the thief does. (v. 10)

Making Disciples Purposefully

  1. What have you learned about Jesus in this passage? How will it help you witness to a person who struggles with accepting Jesus’ love?
  2. How do verses 9 & 10 help us evangelize/witness to the lost? With whom can you share this great news this week?

Dig Deeper (optional/personal study)

  1. Research: Jesus is the door of the sheep, the access to God and the provision from God. Old Testament Scripture helps us grasp our passage here in John 10:
  • Ps. 23 (The Lord as shepherd),
  • Is. 40:11(The Lord’s care of his people like a shepherd),
  • Jer. 33:1–4 (The Lord who invites his people to call and be protected by Him),
  • Ezek. 34 (The negligent shepherds that only fed off the sheep),
  • Zech. 11:4–17 (where the prophet saved the sheep [God’s people] yet they despised him, so the sheep were left to worthless shepherds).

other sermons in this series