I Am The Door
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Series: I Am Sayings of Jesus Scripture: John 10:7, John 10:9
January 26, 2025
I AM The Door – John 10:7, 9
Ice Breaker
- Context: The temple in Jerusalem after the celebration of the Festival of Tabernacles and the healing of the blind beggar. (Jn. 9) The third “I am” statement: “I am the door.” Some translations use the word gate instead of door, but the words serve the same purpose; Jesus was referring to what allowed entrance into a sheep pen (courtyard/sheepfold/corral).
- Read John 10:1-21 as a group.
Loving God Unreservedly
- What did Jesus say He was? (10:7)
- Explore how God is Israel’s shepherd. (Ps. 80:1; cf. Ps. 23:1; Isa. 40:10–11)
Loving People Sacrificially
- What are the two ways into the sheep pen, and who utilizes each way?
- There are two separate scenes in this passage. The first is found in verses 1–5; the second is found in verses 7–10. Briefly summarize each scene (good time to separate/mix up your group and return to compare responses together).
- How do Jesus’ listeners respond to his words? (vv. 6, 19–21) Why do you think his words create such a difference of opinion?
- What two things happened to those who entered through the door? (v. 9) Compare this with what the thief does. (v. 10)
Making Disciples Purposefully
- What have you learned about Jesus in this passage? How will it help you witness to a person who struggles with accepting Jesus’ love?
- How do verses 9 & 10 help us evangelize/witness to the lost? With whom can you share this great news this week?
Dig Deeper (optional/personal study)
- Research: Jesus is the door of the sheep, the access to God and the provision from God. Old Testament Scripture helps us grasp our passage here in John 10:
- Ps. 23 (The Lord as shepherd),
- Is. 40:11(The Lord’s care of his people like a shepherd),
- Jer. 33:1–4 (The Lord who invites his people to call and be protected by Him),
- Ezek. 34 (The negligent shepherds that only fed off the sheep),
- Zech. 11:4–17 (where the prophet saved the sheep [God’s people] yet they despised him, so the sheep were left to worthless shepherds).
other sermons in this series
Feb 9
I Am The Resurrection and The Life
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: John 11:25–26 Series: I Am Sayings of Jesus
Feb 2
I AM The Good Shepherd
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: John 10:11, John 10:14 Series: I Am Sayings of Jesus
Jan 19
I Am The Light of The World
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: John 8:12 Series: I Am Sayings of Jesus