Look Up, Your Redemption is Drawing Near
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Series: The Doctrine of Christmas Scripture: Luke 21:25–28
December 15, 2024
Look up, your redemption is drawing near – Luke 21:28
Ice Breaker
- Read Luke 21:25-28.
- Why do some fail to connect the 1st advent and the 2nd advent?
Loving God Unreservedly
- What kind of signs will be in the sun, moon, and stars? (vs. 25; cf. Matt. 24:29)
- What is significant about the Son of Man coming on a cloud? (cf. Dan. 7:13-14; cf. Ex. 19:16; Ex. 24:16; Lk. 9:34-35; Acts 1:9)
Loving People Sacrificially
- How are believers to face suffering, trials, or difficult situations? NOTE: our personal sufferings don’t imply that Jesus’ 2nd advent is close. (vv. 25-27; cf. Ps. 121:1; Is. 12:1-3; Acts 7:55)
- What comes to mind as you read, lift up your heads (vs. 28); to whom were those words addressed?
- Consider some practical truths as we wait for the 2nd advent (Christ’s glorious return) from Luke 21:
a) Don’t be deceived (vs. 8), frightened (vv. 9-11), worry about your persecutors (vv. 12-16), don’t give up when confronted by opposition (vv. 17-19).
b) Do take heart while facing cosmic destabilization (vv. 25-31), have confidence in God’s word (vv. 32-33), and be watchful with prayer (vv. 34-36).
Making Disciples Purposefully
- How does the fear of men at cosmic events (vv. 25-26) help the believer witness of the coming redemption? (cf. vv. 12-19)
- Who is one unbeliever that you can share about God’s saving grace of the gospel?
Dig Deeper (optional/personal study)
- Personal implications (take time to consider):
a) Jesus fulfills the Scriptures: Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem emphasizes his fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures. He is the humble king (Zech. 9:9) who “comes in the name of the Lord” (Lk. 19:38; Ps. 118:26), the rejected cornerstone (Lk. 20:17; Ps. 118:22), the greater “Lord” of whom David spoke (Lk. 20:41–43; Ps. 110:1), and one whose resurrection will fulfill a promise that goes back as far as Moses and even Abraham (Lk. 20:37). God’s purpose to redeem his people is attested throughout the Scriptures—all of which are brought to completion in Jesus.
b) The second coming of Messiah Jesus (Christ’s glorious return): is seen prophetically in Daniel 7:13–14 as the Son of Man.
- In the New Testament the following aspects of his return are highlighted: suddenly and unmistakably (Matt. 24:27, 36–41); visibly, bodily (Acts 1:11); universally (Rev. 1:7); triumphantly (Phil. 2:9–11); conclusively (1 Thess. 4:13–17) and practically (1 Thess. 5:1–11).
- For further studies on this subject see 1 Thessalonians 4:13–5:11; 2 Thessalonians 1–3; 2 Timothy 3:1–9; 2 Peter 2–3 and the book of Revelation.
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