December 1, 2024

A Light Has Dawned

Preacher: Pablo Cachon Series: The Doctrine of Christmas Scripture: Isaiah 9:2, Isaiah 9:5–7

December 1, 2024

A Light Has Dawned – Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

Ice Breaker

  1. Read Isaiah 9:1-7. What do the four “titles” of this son in verse 6 tell us about who he is and what he will do? Discuss as a group.

Loving God Unreservedly

  1. God calls Isaiah and a faithful remnant “not to walk in the way of this people” (8:11).
  2. How was God’s ancient people characterized? (8:11–17)
  3. Where did the people seek wisdom? (8:19-20) How can you guard against the temptation to seek guidance from sources that counter God’s wisdom?

Loving People Sacrificially

  1. The part of the world highlighted (9:1) is one of the world’s trouble spots today. Pause and pray for the different peoples whose homes were or are in this area.
  2. Light dawns (9:2–5). What specific changes does Isaiah predict?
  3. How does Isaiah describe the Ruler who will be provided by God for His people? (9:6–7)
  4. What are some of the injustices within the church that you have noticed and care about?

Making Disciples Purposefully

  1. What specific injustice in your sphere of influence can you challenge in the name of God? How?
  2. What person do you know who is still “walking in darkness” for whom God would have you pray? How may you present the gospel to that person? How can you disciple that person?

Dig Deeper (optional/personal study)

  1. Research: The Assyrian army will eventually destroy Syria, the northern kingdom of Israel, and even the southern kingdom of Judah for their unbelief (Isa. 7:18–8:8).
    1. a) Ahaz’s hypocritical refusal to request a sign, God offers the southern kingdom of Judah the sign of a child called “Immanuel,” which means “God with us” (Isa. 7:10–14).
    2. b) The gospel of Matthew described this Isaiah’s light being fully and finally fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, who is literally “God with us” (Matt. 1:23).
    3. c) Additionally, Matthew confirmed that the ultimate fulfilment was to be found at the beginning of the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth (Matt. 4:12–16).
    4. d) Have you ever been overwhelmed with the reality of darkness and evil that is present in our world. How did you find comfort? Ask God that you may comfort others with the light of the world, the light that gives life (Jn. 1:4-18).