October 31, 2021

The Triune God Gives Life

Preacher: Tony Baudonnet Series: Stand Alone 2021 Scripture: Romans 8:26-30

Key Point: The Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God the Father work in concert to bring about our salvation and our conformity to Christ.

  1. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us (vv 26-27)
  2. The Father providentially conforms believers (vv 28-29a)
  3. The Son secured a people for Himself (vv 29b-30)

other sermons in this series

Dec 26


Make Up Your Mind: Life or Death?

Preacher: Melvin Bailey Scripture: Mark 8:31– 9:1 Series: Stand Alone 2021

Aug 8


Jul 25


The Two Ways

Preacher: Craig Shigyo Scripture: Psalm 1:1-6 Series: Stand Alone 2021