Research suggested, people were led to believe or at least impacted by Jesus’ words and ministry. Jesus’ table fellowship may be defined as the gracious presence of Jesus at table, where he taught about the kingdom of God and shared a meal in an atmosphere of acceptance, friendship, and peace. His usual table fellowship practice combined those three ingredients: his presence, his teaching, and his eating.
Sermons from this Series
Jul 28
At Zacchaeus' House
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: Luke 19:1–10 Series: Encounters With Jesus
Jul 21
The Stern Rebuke At The Pharisee's House
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: Luke 11:37–54 Series: Encounters With Jesus
Jul 14
A Sinful Woman At a Pharisee's House
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: Luke 7:36–50 Series: Encounters With Jesus
Jul 7
At Levi's Great Banquet
Preacher: Pablo Cachon Scripture: Luke 5:27–32 Series: Encounters With Jesus